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If you want an app developed, please visit our app development and marketing company uniDap

CertainEdge Owns Proprietary Software

that has been leveraged to create an intermediary market platform that supports disruptive business models for large market sectors using mobile phone apps as the market hubs


Using this technology platform CertainEdge has positioned itself to build a diverse range of businesses with our partners in the:

  • Disability Care Sector

  • Hospitality Sector

  • Unemployment Sector

  • Education Sector


With the capacity to take on more large market opportunities as they emerge.


CertainEdge offers the smartest fastest and best priced way for entrepreneurs to get their market place disruptive business up and going.​


Cutting edge functionality is seamlessly incorporated into the CertainEdge platform, including:


  • Smarter, faster, cheaper than our competitors

    • Smarter - the database is highly flexible; easy to set up, easy to change

    • Faster - Configuration of software is quick due to uniDapTM,, giving shorter project lead times. Apps are quick to load pages, due to high level of embedded content. Payment gateway settles transactions faster than typical systems

    • Cheaper - Reduced programming time gives low cost to client. Payment gateway is lower cost than competitors

  • Mobile app marketing

  • Personalised customer data capture

  • One-on-one customer communication 


These features bring value to the customer:


  • Increased revenues

  • New customers

  • Customer loyalty

  • Know their customers better

  • Segmented marketing



Bring your large market disruptive idea to us and we will help you turn it into a business in the

SMARTEST, FASTEST, CHEAPEST way possible. We do the technical build and may invest in your idea. 

"Just like a shark tank - only we can sink our teeth in and get it done".

What we have
Who we are


CertainEdge is no “Jonny come lately” we have over 15 years of experience and have assembled an extraordinary team of world class business people and technology specialists. All the very hard expensive and time consuming technology components are done.


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Peter Withey


  • Joined the Business in 2006

  • Current Directorships:

  • uniDap Solutions​

  • Linksprite (Australia)

  • YourApp

  • Support Management Solutions

  • Bachelor of Commerce

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Gavin Sigley


  • Founder

  • Solution Architect

  • Founding Chairman Story Dogs Ltd
    - one of Australia’s fastest growing charities

  • Current Directorships:

  • uniDap Solutions​

  • Linksprite (Australia)

  • YourApp

  • Bachelor of science

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Matthew Bond

Chief Technology Officer

  • Senior Developer

  • Joined uniDap in 2005

  • Primary architect of uniDap schema

  • Over 20 years experience in the IT industry

  • Recipient of the "Young Manager of the Year" award 

  • Bachelor of Information Technology

Ian Jones

Senior Developer

  • Security expert, including software, internet and physical hardware such as security cameras

  • User Interface and responsive design specialist

  • Database administrator

  • Bachelor of Information Technology

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Rob Poyntz

Mobile Innovations Lead

  • Senior-level software engineer 

  • Project management, requirements analysis, mentoring & team leadership

  • Strong application architecture and OO design skills

  • Experienced mobile application developer with over 20 published apps on the App and Play stores

  • Honours degree in mathematics and physics

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Craig Douglas

Business Development Manager

  • Craig brings to uniDap Solutions over 25 years experience in the IT industry

  • He works closely with clients to produce and implement solutions that fulfil their exact requirements

  • Extensive experience in project management, quality assurance, marketing, business development and best practice IT methodologies

  • Bachelor of Information Technology

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Tim Mahood

App Developer

  • Expert on Android and iOS development processes, from programming and debugging to deployment

  • Strong Object Oriented programming background

  • Able to engage and assist clients when they need developer assistance

  • Logical thinker, good problem solver, efficient at debugging

  • Bachelor of Engineering


CertainEdge is partnering with a number of diverse businesses to realise value with their Market Platform.
Research shows that mobile app marketing is the way of the future because it offers a direct and personalised communication channel to customers. For example, businesses like Domino's and Guzman y Gomez have spend a fortune developing mobile apps.
YourApp is a mobile platform developed in conjunction with Queensland's premier peek body for the hotel industry - The QHA, to offer venues in the hospitality industry a mobile marketing app at a fraction of the cost that can be ready within 7 days.



The key benefits of Your App for venues is:

-to get new customers

-to keep customers coming back regularly

-to promote events, offers, specials etc

-to promote alcohol and gaming directly to customers

-to know your customers and facilitate one to one marketing

-to automate and schedule marketing campaigns

See more here
Registered NDIS Plan Manager and Service Provider
The easiest way to connect, plan and manage your NDIS funding.
The functionality of the F2C solution has been designed to solve ‘problems’ associated with the significant disruption to established markets’ arising from introduction of the NDIS.

The F2C solution:

  • provides an efficiency tool set which enables participants who are self-managing or self- directing to choose the best services to meet their needs and budgets

  • provides users with an intuitive easy to use Web Portal and Mobile Application to automate time consuming, non-productive activities

  • creates a ‘real-time’ competitive job market, enabling solution users to harness the power of markets and improve their buying power

  • seamlessly connects ‘newly empowered’ consumers with family and carers, service providers and support workers to better manage or share the management of funding and supports in their plan

  • enables the sharing of vital tasks such as support management (rostering and recruitment), plan coordination and plan management, and

  • simplifies the operational, administrative and financial requirements of CDC.

See more here
Sell tickets on your own app!
When you sell a tickets through a large ticketing company, they add your clients information to their own database and use it to remarket to your clients about their other client's events. Is that what you want to sign up to?
-Own Your Clients
-Low Cost
-You Control the Money
-Your Own Branded App
-Free remarketing
-Privacy and Security paramount
Stop spending your marketing time and money so that the ticketing company  can leverage off your effort to remarket your competitors events to your clients
YourTicketApp is a full percent lower than competitors on a comparable plan and provides the capability to transact tickets sales on your own website and customisable checkout forms
See more here
Now You Know
World Class Facial Recognition - Loss prevention for Retail Outlets

Successfully deployed in many stores across America to reduce the activities of thieves. NOW AVAILABLE IN AUSTRALIA


-Reduce theft/Loss by proactive intervention

-Reduce staff stress by improving security

-Time stamped faces for ease of reviewing AVR/DVR

-Automatic alert when a known shoplifter enters your store

-Low monthly SAAS cost

-Straightforward installation

-Ability to monitor staff removing known thieves upon entry

-Monitor staff arrival and departure times

-Facial recognition cameras compliment existing security cameras

See more here
U2E Connect
Working with candidates to become job ready so employers  can select you for an interview.
Job seekers get ready with U2E Connect.
Employers connect with job ready candidates.
Job access - use U2E Connect to get your clients job ready.
RTOs have your job ready students connected with employers for experience shifts.
See more here
Paws Out
Pawsout is a global match making platform that connects Dog Walkers with Dog Owners. Pawsout creates a market place for Dog Walkers to earn money helping their local Dog Owners exercise their pets and provide dog enrichment sessions. Not only does this mean that dogs gets some much needed outdoor exercise and play time,  but it also helps to relieve dogs of their stress and boredom. Many Dog Owners find themselves at times without either the time or energy to adequately exercise or train their pets on a regular basis. This is where Pawsout provides invaluable help as it is a platform where Dog Owners can plan and roster exercise sessions or feeds for their beloved dog/s. At the same time it provides Dog Walkers a way to find Dog Owners needing their services when either unexpected work or social events crop up or as a regular assistance for ensuring their dog gets enough exercise.
See more here
Partners & Products
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